
下記の参加登録表に記入の上、sgw(at) へメールをお送りください。登録〆切は7月24日(日)とさせていただきます。After the deadline, Please come directly to the reception desk at the venue

参加登録表(doc ファイル)

参加登録表(pdf ファイル)

Registration Form(doc file)

Registration Form(pdf file)

Banquet (Fukuoka)

Date: July 27, 2016
Time: 18:00-20:00
Place: Japanese Restaurant "Tenjin Fuyo" , Tenjin area in Fukuoka city
Shuttle bus: depart at 17:00 from Ito campus to restaurant
                   depart at 20:30 to Ito campus via Kyudai gakken-toshi station
Fee: 6,000 JPY
       4,000 JPY for Student

Banquet (Tokyo)

Date: August 1, 2016
Time: 18:00-20:00
Place: Faculty House “S” seminar room, The University of Tokyo
Fee: 4,000 JPY
       1,000 JPY for Student