Organization presenting the problem
Transpower NZ Ltd.
九州大学 カーボンニュートラル・エネルギー国際研究所 I2CNER, Kyushu University
国立研究開発法人 海洋研究開発機構 Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
村田製作所 Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
アビームコンサルティング株式会社 ABeam Consulting Ltd.
Schedule & Room
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発表順についてはSGW Scheduleをご覧ください。
Problem 1
1. Title of Problem: Inter-regional variability of solar irradiance and implications
for future solar PV generation on the New Zealand power system
2. Organization presenting the problem: Transpower NZ Ltd.
3. Industrial delegate: Tim Crownshaw
4. Moderators: 佐伯 修 (Osamu Saeki) & 廣瀬 慧 (Kei Hirose)
5. Student moderator: 山口 達也 (Tatsuya Yamaguchi)
6. Keywords: Solar PV, Electricity transmission networks, Weather variability, Uptake forecasting, Stochastic risk analysis
2. Organization presenting the problem: Transpower NZ Ltd.
3. Industrial delegate: Tim Crownshaw
4. Moderators: 佐伯 修 (Osamu Saeki) & 廣瀬 慧 (Kei Hirose)
5. Student moderator: 山口 達也 (Tatsuya Yamaguchi)
6. Keywords: Solar PV, Electricity transmission networks, Weather variability, Uptake forecasting, Stochastic risk analysis
Problem 2
1. Title of Problem: Description of heterogeneous rock pore structures using
mathematical methods
2. Organization presenting the problem: 九州大学 カーボンニュートラル・エネルギー国際研究所 I2CNER, Kyushu University
3. Industrial delegate: 辻 健 (Takeshi Tsuji)
4. Moderators: 白井 朋之 (Tomoyuki Shirai) & 渋田 敬史 (Takafumi Shibuta)
5. Student moderator: 鴨田 憲太朗 (Kentaro Kamoda)
6. Keywords: Heterogeneity, Natural rock, Persistent Homology (Topology), Elastic property (Elastic moduli), Hydrologic property (Permeability) Representative elementary volume (REV)
2. Organization presenting the problem: 九州大学 カーボンニュートラル・エネルギー国際研究所 I2CNER, Kyushu University
3. Industrial delegate: 辻 健 (Takeshi Tsuji)
4. Moderators: 白井 朋之 (Tomoyuki Shirai) & 渋田 敬史 (Takafumi Shibuta)
5. Student moderator: 鴨田 憲太朗 (Kentaro Kamoda)
6. Keywords: Heterogeneity, Natural rock, Persistent Homology (Topology), Elastic property (Elastic moduli), Hydrologic property (Permeability) Representative elementary volume (REV)
Problem 3
1. Title of Problem: Brief introduction to application studies on climate prediction at
JAMSTEC and a couple of current mathematical problems relating to them
2. Organization presenting the problem: 海洋研究開発機構 Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
3. Industrial delegate: 佐久間 弘文 (Hirofumi Sakuma)
4. Moderator: 西井 龍映 (Ryuei Nishii)
5. Student moderator: 江田 智尊 (Satoru Koda)
6. Keywords: climate prediction, time series analysis, maximum entropy method, stochastic model, plant ecology, self-thinning rule
2. Organization presenting the problem: 海洋研究開発機構 Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
3. Industrial delegate: 佐久間 弘文 (Hirofumi Sakuma)
4. Moderator: 西井 龍映 (Ryuei Nishii)
5. Student moderator: 江田 智尊 (Satoru Koda)
6. Keywords: climate prediction, time series analysis, maximum entropy method, stochastic model, plant ecology, self-thinning rule
Problem 4
1. Title of Problem: Mathematical Modeling of Human Body for Electronic Biosensing
2. Organization presenting the problem: 村田製作所 Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
3. Industrial delegate: 檜貝 信一 (Shin'ichi Higai)
4. Moderators: 小磯 深幸 (Miyuki Koiso) & 溝口 佳寛 (Yoshihiro Mizoguchi)
5. Student moderator: 畠山 優太 (Yuta Hatakeyama)
6. Keywords: biosensing, electronics, health care, vital sign
2. Organization presenting the problem: 村田製作所 Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
3. Industrial delegate: 檜貝 信一 (Shin'ichi Higai)
4. Moderators: 小磯 深幸 (Miyuki Koiso) & 溝口 佳寛 (Yoshihiro Mizoguchi)
5. Student moderator: 畠山 優太 (Yuta Hatakeyama)
6. Keywords: biosensing, electronics, health care, vital sign
Problem 5
1. Title of Problem: Mathematical Description Concerning Anisotropy of Grain Boundary
Energy for Metals
2. Organization presenting the problem: 新日鐵住金株式会社 NIPPON STEEL & SUMITOMO METAL CORPORATION
3. Industrial delegate: 中川 淳一 (Junichi Nakagawa)
4. Moderators: 田上 大助 (Daisuke Tagami) & 上坂 正晃 (Masaaki Uesaka)
5. Student moderator: 黄 欣馳 (Xinchi Huang)
6. Keywords: crystal, disorder of symmetry, energy function, geometry, PDE
2. Organization presenting the problem: 新日鐵住金株式会社 NIPPON STEEL & SUMITOMO METAL CORPORATION
3. Industrial delegate: 中川 淳一 (Junichi Nakagawa)
4. Moderators: 田上 大助 (Daisuke Tagami) & 上坂 正晃 (Masaaki Uesaka)
5. Student moderator: 黄 欣馳 (Xinchi Huang)
6. Keywords: crystal, disorder of symmetry, energy function, geometry, PDE
Problem 6
1. Title of Problem: Anomaly Detection of Machine States via Multimodal Sensor Data Analysis
2. Organization presenting the problem: アビームコンサルティング株式会社 ABeam Consulting Ltd.
3. Industrial delegate: 橘 知志 (Satoshi Tachibana)
4. Moderators: 二宮 嘉行 (Yoshiyuki Ninomiya) & 丸山 修 (Osamu Maruyama)
5. Student moderator: 江口 翔一 (Shoichi Eguchi)
6. Keywords: method for determining threshold value or range between normal state and fault state, structural change detection, fault prediction, multimodal
2. Organization presenting the problem: アビームコンサルティング株式会社 ABeam Consulting Ltd.
3. Industrial delegate: 橘 知志 (Satoshi Tachibana)
4. Moderators: 二宮 嘉行 (Yoshiyuki Ninomiya) & 丸山 修 (Osamu Maruyama)
5. Student moderator: 江口 翔一 (Shoichi Eguchi)
6. Keywords: method for determining threshold value or range between normal state and fault state, structural change detection, fault prediction, multimodal